Challenge 1 Benson Project
Challenge 1 Benson Project
What is the challenge?
WomenTechWomenYes (WTWY) needs help driving attendance at their annual gala. They plan on strategically placing their street team around New York City subway stations to collect email addresses from interested strangers and attract potential contributor. They've charged us with optimizing the placement of their team.
Assume: -WTWY Gala occurs at the beginning of the summer -Targeting people passionate about women in tech, like people who work in technology companies and college students -Street team conssits of three mobile groups, working thtoughout the day
What was our approach?
Firstly, to get a whole picture of the subway station entries population, we worked on the data from Feburary to end of April in 2017, get the top 100 stations in Spring season in the city.
If we take a peek at the first ten stations, the graph below shows the station name and accumulated entries.
Secondly, based on technology companies distribution and demographic data, we identifid zip codes densely populated with target people, finding subwaystations in these interested zips, and we strategized times of day to reach them, and picked them from the top 100 stations from first step.
Technology companies locations
Selected zip codes and stations
What did we find?
Among the selected subway stations, we ranked entrance traffic for our time period of interest. The top three ranked stations will be demonstrated on the work schedule.
This figure shows the entries among top 100 stations during a week.
The recommended stations among selected stations are as follows. We took median daily entries during spring weeks, in this way, the abnormal points are excluded. Three time ranges are masked to data, including:
women on the way to work, 7AM-12PM
women during work (for outside meetings), 12PM-5PM
women after work, 5PM-9PM.
From three above figures, it is clear that weekdays have more entries than weekends. After listing all the top stations during a week, we came up with schedules just for the street team. Below is a typical Monday schedule based on our selected stations.
Presentation Slides for the Project
Future Directions
The selected stations
Appearently we missed few popular stations, like Grand Central-42 ST etc.
Best time period during a week
Maybe it is hard to draw someone's attention when they are in a hurry to work, or when they are exhausted after work. So weekends might be a good choice but the entries are way less than weekdays.
Targeting rich people
It is true that people will not contribute with low income but it is not certain that rich people are willing to donate.